These General Conditions (hereinafter the "Conditions") govern the use of Internet portal (hereinafter the "Portal") SeatWish, based in Braga, Portugal.
The use of the Portal service assigns the Portal User condition (hereinafter, the "User") and implies full acceptance, without any reserves and each of the provisions included in these General Conditions in the version published by SeatWish, at the exact moment the User accesses the Portal.
The use of certain services offered to users via the Portal is located subjected to very particular conditions (hereinafter, the "Specific Conditions") which, depending on the case, substitute, complete and / or modify the General Conditions and that are accessible at the following address.
Therefore, prior to the use of these services, the user should also carefully read the corresponding conditions Particulares. The use of the Portal also lies subject to all notices, use regulations and instructions made known to the User by SeatWish, which substitute, complete and / or modify the General Conditions.
The SeatWish reserves the right to modify the terms of the General Conditions. In this case, the SeatWish warn early enough registered Users of any modification that is produced on the General Conditions and shall publish the new version automatically replacing the previous one. The subsequent use of the service by the user after a modification of the General Conditions supposes the unequivocal acceptance of the same.
Mere access to the Portal and navigate through your content will have free character. In the event that the User use the intermediation services provided by SeatWish will be subject to satisfy the fees that are determined in these Conditions.
You understand that the information contained in, both in reference to the specifications of the services provided to the general conditions of employment and improvement of the contract, are enough and sufficient to exclude errors in the formation of consent. However, SeatWish. undertakes to inform the user of any other technical specification of services and legal related to the contractual relationship, prioritizing the application by any means capable of constancy; provided they are available to the first.
To access the portal services are required, the following technological elements:
SeatWish through Portal makes available to users a mediation service to the securities transaction (hereinafter, "the Service") between the legitimate owners of any title / no nominative value entitling access to public events and shows (hereinafter "Ticket"), who are interested and allowed to assign them to a third party free or costly way (hereinafter, and only for descriptive purposes, "sellers") and , interested in being purchasers of these securities (from now on, and only for descriptive purposes, "buyers").
SeatWish, is not the owner or purchaser or owner of any of the titles to those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, nor give in, give, sell, purchase, lease, or transfer any property or possession thereof, merely to be made disposal of the Users Portal Services, promoting and ensuring the proper development of the transactions of the aforementioned titles and the economic management of the same.
SeatWish by the Service only provides a platform to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and, therefore, does not guarantee that they take place in an effective manner, getting conclusion of transactions on the free will of those. With the acceptance of these conditions, Users relieve the SeatWish, any liability for transactions taking place or attempt to take place using the Service.
The service is the subject of a contract of mediation between users and SeatWish, which is realized by agreeing to these Terms. The mediation agreement is binding bilateral Users of the service with SeatWish, getting this on the sidelines of the contractual relationship established between buyers and sellers together.
The provision of service requires prior subscription or registration of users in portal. The registration procedure requires for the user acceptance of these conditions.
To access the User registration, the applicant must be of legal age and bear full legal capacity, facilitating the data SeatWish requests through the registration form. These data will be treated according to our Privacy policy and protection of data that can be found in the Privacy Policy page.
Required data:
To register the User must facilitate SeatWish, the details of its full name, email address, and a phone number.
User name and password:
When the user fills out the login form to the service assigns to him a user name that matches the email facilitated the registration form, and a personal password that can be changed later by himself. Responsibility for the custody and security of the User name and password will be the User, assuming that all transactions taking place under your user name and your password.
Veracity of the information:
All information provided by the user through the registration procedure should be true. For this purpose, the User guarantees the authenticity of all those data that communicates as a result of completing the necessary forms for the subscription service. Similarly, it will be User's responsibility to keep all information provided to SeatWish constantly updated in order to respond at every moment, to the real situation of the User. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate manifestations that conduct and the damage caused to SeatWish, or to third parties the information they provide.
Title / ticket information.
Once registered, the user interested in selling a ticket must publish it on the page detailing mandatory and, in any case, at least the following information: the public event in question, its date, type of ticket you have and the price required for its sale.
Offer of publication.
The insertion of the offer data by the User grants SeatWish and, where appropriate, to its associated companies, the non-exclusive right to publish and display the same on the websites they are entitled. The publication of the offer obliges the seller to accept and complete the transaction on the terms specified therein.
Thus, the publication of the offer in portal. assumes, to the seller, the formalization of the task of mediation and early by SeatWish, your service to the seller. This service shall be entitled to fees, and, if it is the case, damages for breach in favor of SeatWish. upon acceptance of the offer by the buyer.
Period of validity or enforceability of published offers.
In general, the validity of the bond offerings / tickets will be subject to the conclusion date of the event in question at all times. The offers are not subject to sales system "Last Minute" titles / tickets posted by sellers will be valid until 3 working days before the date set for the celebration of the event whose access will be selling. After a period which is determined in the preceding paragraph, the offer may be eliminated from automatically platform.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in certain events, the expiration date of the offers may vary depending on circumstances or others events service SeatWish this case, SeatWish notify users when it has actual knowledge of these circumstances, the modification of the period of validity of orders .
Gratuicidade of publication.
The publication of the offer will be free of charge to the seller.
Offer price determination by the seller.
The publication of the offer by the seller under these Terms include the price to be obtained in the transaction. To this end, the seller will introduce the amount you wish to receive the transaction of sale form facilitated in The pricing is the sole responsibility of the seller and the SeatWish. It is unrelated to that setting, having no relationship or influence on prices.
As a result, the price will be set freely by the seller. The seller may at any time until the acceptance of its offer by a buyer, modify the price that you require the transaction and thus change the offer price.
In general, for a better and safer way of notification, all communications related to the service between SeatWish and users, whether buyers or sellers, will be made in writing by e-mail that will serve as registration for users, the managements and services provided by SeatWish
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in exceptional cases, for increased speed of communications or notices that have to pass, it will be carried to contact previous form with the user over the telephone facilitated the registration form, preceding SeatWish confirmation warning or notification to the case by electronic mail. In any case, the publications of offers from sellers and the buyer's acceptance will always be confirmed by SeatWish by valid e-mail facilitated by the users of the Service.
All notices and communications from users to consider SeatWish be effective, for all purposes, when to turn to SeatWish by e-mail at the following address: INFO@SEATWISH.COM all Notifications by the User SeatWish considered se- will be effective, for all purposes, always taking place in one of two ways:
Obligation to make proper use of the contents.
According to the above, the User agrees to use the posts content available to users in the Portal, which are, without this list is not exhaustive, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or audio content, as well as its graphical and source code design (hereinafter, the "Content"), in accordance with the law, the Terms of Service and other notices, use regulations and instructions made known as well as with generally accepted morals and good customs and public order and in particular, undertakes to refrain from:
The User must abstain from obtaining and even attempting to obtain the contents using different means or procedures that, where appropriate, have been placed at his disposal for this purpose or have indicated to this effect on web pages where they are the content or, in general, of those who habitually use the Internet for this purpose provided they do not have a risk of damage or destruction of the Portal, the Services and / or content.
Users and, in general, people who want to establish a link between their web page and the Portal (hereinafter, the "Hyperlink") must meet the following conditions:
All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind appearing on the Portal are the property of SeatWish, or third parties, except that it should be understood that the use or access to the Website and / or the Services grant the user any right on cited trademarks, trade names and / or distinctive signs.
Likewise, the Contents are the intellectual property of SeatWish, or third parties, without being able to understand assigned to the user by virtue of the provisions of these Conditions, none of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist on said Content beyond what is necessary to the correct use of the Portal and Services.
Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility.
Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the functioning of the Portal and Services.
SeatWish does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the Portal and Services. When reasonably possible, the SeatWish previously warn of interruptions in the functioning of the Portal and Services. SeatWish also does not guarantee their infallibility, and in particular, though not exclusively, that users can effectively use the Portal and Services, access the different web pages that form the Portal or those from which lend themselves Services.
SeatWish excludes, with the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the portal and services, or defrauding the utility that Users could give the portal and services, to the fallibility of the portal and services, and in particular, though not exclusively, to the failures in access to different portal web pages or those from which the services are provided.
Exclusion of guarantees and liability for the Content.
SeatWish does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the content that may cause alterations in its computer system (software and hardware) or electronic documents and files stored in your whole computer system.
SeatWish excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or the presence of other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or files of users.
SeatWish does not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content. The SeatWish excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and / or timeliness of the content.
Exclusion of guarantees and liability for the use of the Portal, Services and Contents by Users.
SeatWish has no obligation to monitor and does not control the use that Users make of the Portal, Services and Contents. In particular, SeatWish does not guarantee that Users use the Portal, Services and Contents in accordance with these Terms or that they do so diligently and prudently.
SeatWish also has the obligation to verify and does not verify the identity of users, nor the veracity, completeness and / or authenticity of the data that users provide about themselves to other users.
SeatWish excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the use of services and contents by the users or which may be due to the lack of veracity, completeness and / or authenticity of the information that users provide to other users about themselves and, particularly, although not exclusively, for damages of any kind that may be due to a third personality of supplanting made by a User in any type of communication carried through the portal.
To use some of the Services, Users must first provide SeatWish certain personal data (hereinafter, the "Personal Data"). SeatWish, will deal with automated Personal Data with the purpose according to the conditions set out in its Personal Data Protection Policy published in the URL
SeatWish adopted the security levels of protection for personal data legally required and tries to install other means and additional technical protection measures. Nevertheless, the User should be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.
SeatWish. You may use cookies when a user browses the sites and pages of the portal. The cookies that may be used on Sites and Portal are only associated to the browser of a computer web pages (an anonymous User), and do not provide for them the name and surname of the User. Thanks to cookies, it is possible that SeatWish recognize the browsers of registered users after these there have been the first time, without them having to register on each visit to access the areas and services reserved exclusively for these users. The cookies used can not read cookie files created by other providers. The user has the ability to configure your browser to be notified on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent installation of cookies on your hard disk. Please see the instructions and manuals of your browser to extend this information. To use the Portal, it is not necessary that the user allows the installation of cookies sent by SeatWish, notwithstanding that in such a case will require the user to register each time they access a service which requires prior registration.
The cookies that are used on the sites and pages of the portal may be provided by SeatWish, in which case are provided from different operated by these servers, or from certain third-party servers that lend services and provide cookies because of SeatWish (for example, the cookies that are used to provide advertising or certain contents and that make the user to view advertising content or certain time, and number of times of predetermined shape). Whenever you have activated the option that prevents the installation of cookies on your hard drive, the user can explore your hard disk by following the instruction manual and help your operating system (usually Windows operating systems should consult the "C" folder or the corresponding disk / Windows / cookies or windows / temporary internet files) to know in greater detail each server from which cookies are sent and power of disposal.
SeatWish may withdraw or suspend at any time and without prior notice the provision of services to users who do not abide by the requirements of these Terms of Use.
The provision of the Portal service and other services is, in principle, an indefinite duration. The SeatWish, however, is authorized to bring to an end or suspend provision of the Portal service and / or any of the Services at any time. When it is reasonably possible, give advance notice SeatWish the termination or suspension of the provision of the Portal service and other services.